Eco Workgroup
The main focus for the Eco Workgroup this term will be to look at the problem we have with plastic. The group invited all children and parents to take part in The Big Plastic Count to see how much disposable plastic there is in our everyday lives. Our aim is to become a Plastic Aware School.
The team collected in all tally sheets and inputted all the data into the BPC website. This then generated a footprint for our school. 50 families completed the tally and this equated to a shocking 3,964 plastic items thrown away in just one week! This is not our fault as we cannot avoid plastic packaging in our everyday products. However, we believe something can be done by governments and manufacturers to reduce this waste.
The next steps for The ECO Team are to help Cliddesden become a Plastic Aware school. Next half term they will be writing to our local MPs to raise their awareness of the problem and hopefully ask the government to act. The workgroup will also be investigating ways that we as a community can try to reduce our plastic usage and waste. We have attached our plastic footprint below.
Some representatives from The ECO Workgroup met with the school governors to tell them about the work they had been doing.