Cliddesden Primary School

Learning Together, Growing Together

Cliddesden Primary School, Cliddesden, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG25 2QU

01256 321571 - Fax: 01256 3336

OUR Curriculum


The school offers a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum covering all areas of the National Curriculum and our aim is to provide a curriculum that meets the needs, interests and abilities of all children.

This curriculum comprises of the core subjects – English, Mathematics and Science and the foundation subjects – Computing, Design Technology, History, Geography, Art, Music  Physical Education, Personal, Social and Health Education and Religious Education.

We do our utmost to maximise success for all children by giving them the best teaching and learning experiences. We use a range of teaching methods to suit the needs of the children and the subjects being taught.


  • To provide a rich and varied curriculum where pupils enjoy learning and develop their knowledge and skills through contextual, memorable and meaningful lessons and themes.
  • To promote subject leader, teacher and pupil ownership of a knowledge and skills driven curriculum. Using our expertise and the expertise of others, we ensure full subject coverage through clear sequence of study, knowledge acquisition and progression. 
  • To develop enquiring minds, resilience and pupil enjoyment across a range of subject disciplines.
  • To support all children to reach a high standard in English and Mathematics through specific teaching and application of knowledge and key skills in learning across the whole curriculum.
  • To create and explore knowledge, skills and experiences that give purpose to writing.
  • To embed opportunities for high quality enrichment experiences including educational visits, themed days, parent workshops and guest speakers.
  • To develop children's learning behaviours, such as independence, growth mindset and collaborative working through our school values of aspiration, resilience, responsibility, respect and tolerance, kindness and honesty.
  • Developing a sense of community and belonging, contributing to our community through direct interaction – making links with local organisations. 


  • Teachers have good knowledge of the subjects they teach and subject leaders provide colleagues with effective support for planning, resourcing and teaching.
  • Lessons are presented clearly with opportunities for discussion to extend thinking, check understanding, identify misconceptions and provide clear and direct feedback both verbal and through marking.
  • Teaching and learning is balanced and inclusive, encouraging independent thinking and support where needed.
  • High quality texts are used in all year groups to promote reading skills and to use a high level of vocabulary and extended sentence structures. Phonics teaching has priority in EYFS, Year 1 and 2. Reading is promoted within this skill with a focus on confidence and enjoyment.
  • The school adopts a 'maths mastery' approach where number skills and knowledge are consolidated and reasoning skills are used in problem solving.
  • Teachers use assessment effectively to check understanding and inform teaching so that knowledge is gained and used. Pupil progress meetings are held every term to discuss the progress of every child and to put in interventions as required.
  • The curriculum is delivered in various ways to capture interest and imagination but the steps of learning within the subjects are carefully planned to ensure that knowledge and skills are gained for children to build on in future learning.
  • Each child is regarded as an individual and an equal. Our inclusive curriculum consists of activities designed to develop the social, personal, intellectual and physical activities of the children.
  • The quality of the children’s learning is enhanced across the curriculum through practical activities, educational visits linked to study work and the use of ICT. All work in the school is planned within the framework of the National Curriculum and the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum Guidance.

Impact (how we measure successful outcomes)

  • Children to be confident and successful learners. They think critically about their learning, are keen to learn and see purpose in their learning.
  • Children to achieve well by developing knowledge and skills as they progress through the school. Their attainment and progress is above or at least in line with national expectations. Challenge is provided to enable some pupils to reach greater depth.
  • The children leave the school in Year 6 with the confidence and skills ready for a successful transition to secondary school.
  • The impact of the curriculum is evaluated through: teacher assessment; outcomes from learning; termly NFER tests and national standard assessment tests (SATs); through governor visit s and meetings; through monitoring of teaching, learning and pupil voice.