Cliddesden Primary School

Learning Together, Growing Together

Cliddesden Primary School, Cliddesden, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG25 2QU

01256 321571 - Fax: 01256 3336

Oak Class


Basketball Tournament

SCARF Workshop

Year 6 - Bikeability

STEM Workshop

Football League

Rugby League

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Events Archives 2023-2024

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Events Archives 2022-2023

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Welcome to Oak Class. We are a mixed Year 5 and 6 class and we range from 9 to 11 years old. Our class teacher is Mrs Montgomerie. On Tuesday afternoons we are taught by Mrs. Green.  Our LSA (Learning Support Assistant) is Mrs. Lavender, who supports individuals and small groups.  Sometimes small groups may work with other staff from across the school, too.
This term our History topic will help us to find out about the ancient civilisation of the Mayan people.  In Geography, we will compare and contrast city life with life in a rainforest, focussing on the country of Brazil and the city of Rio de Janeiro. In Art, we will look at the work of Brazilian artist Beatriz Milhazes and Jennifer Durrant.  We will find out how they use colour theory and layering within their work.
Our Science work will help us to think about electricity.  We will investigate which factors affect how bright a bulb is in a circuit, and how to make simple circuits.  We will use this knowledge after half-term in our DT lessons, where we will make fairground rides.  Our rides will have a computer-controlled element, and we will use our Computing lessons to learn how to code mini-computers which will control our rides.

Check out our blog every week to see some of our work.

Click here to check out our blog every week to see some of our work.  

Class Information 

All the children have been given a homework book. These should be brought back to school every Monday. This year, there will be no spelling tests as we will be working on developing spelling knowledge as part of our English curriculum lessons.  However, each week there will be a short homework task linked to our spelling work.  Children will need to complete this in their homework book.

Please encourage your child to read daily.  For most children, there is no need to listen to them read aloud, although they will benefit from regularly discussing the vocabulary and content of their book with an adult.  
Times tables should also be practised at home (using the Times Tables Rockstars website) and progress will be tested and monitored using the 'Gig' option on the TTRockstars website in school. Maths homework will also be set for children to complete during the week, using the platform 'SumDog'.
PE is on Tuesday and Friday.  On Wednesday, all children should come to school in their uniform and bring their kit with them.  On Friday, we would like the children to wear their PE kits to school.  They do not need a change of clothes on Friday.

24 February 2025

3 March 2025

Please see attached poster for submitted articles for our next Student Voice school magazine.

Curriculum Overview Spring 2025