Willow Class
Welcome to Willow Class. We are a mixed Foundation Stage and Year 1 class. Our class teacher is Mrs Nicholson, supported by Mrs Garland.
Willow Class will be thinking about ‘People who help us’ for the first half of the Spring term.
We will be looking at the different jobs through non-fiction books, stories and roleplay. Which real superhero will inspire as we grow up?
In History, the Year 1 children will be researching the Great Fire of London too, alongside investigating firefighters today.
In Science, the children will be learning about materials and their properties.
For the second half of this term, Willow Class will be going back in time to discover all about castles, knights, kings, queens and maybe dragons!
The children will be exploring structures and designing buildings.
In Geography, the Year 1 children will be locating the capital cities of the UK, and learning where we are in the world.
Check out out blog every week to see some of our work.
Class Information
Mental maths skills Thursday, test Friday.
PE is on Monday and Friday. On Monday we would like the children to come to school in their uniforms and bring their PE kits with them to change into. On Friday, we would like the children to come to school in their PE kits.
Library is Wednesday.
Please see attached poster for submitted articles for our next Student Voice school magazine.