Cliddesden Primary School

Learning Together, Growing Together

Cliddesden Primary School, Cliddesden, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG25 2QU

01256 321571 - Fax: 01256 3336

Our Governors

The Governing Body of the school has a responsibility for the school’s strategic planning and development and to ensure that outcomes are monitored. Our school governors meet frequently throughout the year. With the Headteacher, they take responsibility for finance, premises and the curriculum. Our Governing Body has two Committees, one responsible for Finance and Personnel, the other for Curriculum and Standards. Governors serve for an initial term of four years, which may be extended.

Governing Body 5 Year Strategic Plan

Governor Newsletter


Co-opted Governors

Michael Jordan (Co-Chair of Full Governing Body, Curriculum and Standards Committee, Finance and Personnel Committee)

Anthony Munro (Chair of the Finance and Personnel Committee)

Susan Swinburn (Curriculum and Standards Committee)

Helen Walker (Chair of the Curriculum and Standards Committee)

Appointed by the existing Governing Body and selected according to skills audit.


Parent Governors

Barry Dewey (Vice Chair of Full Governing Body, Vice Chair of Curriculum and Standards Committee and Finance and Personnel Committee)

David Turnbull (Co-Chair of Full Governing Body, Curriculum and Standards Committee, Finance and Personnel Committee)

Roben Leonard (Vice Chair of Finance and Personnel Committee)


LA Governor

Jean Holdcroft (Safeguarding link, Curriculum and Standards Committee, Finance and Personnel Committee)

Appointed by the Local Authority (Hampshire County Council)


Staff Governors

Kenneth Davies (Head Teacher, Curriculum and Standards Committee, Finance and Personnel Committee)

The Headteacher is a permanent member of the Governing Body. Staff members are appointed by fellow staff members through an election process.


Clerk to the Governors

Natalie Wood


If you wish to contact the Governing Body please email the clerk via the school office:


Governor Attendance at meetings 2022-2023 

Governor Attendance at meetings 2023-2024

Governor Attendance at meetings 2024-2025

Schools Financial Benchmarking - GOV.UK


Governors Information