Our Curriculum
The school offers a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum covering all areas of the National Curriculum and our aim is to provide a curriculum that meets the needs, interests and abilities of all children.
This curriculum comprises of the core subjects – English, Mathematics and Science and the foundation subjects – Computing, Design Technology, History, Geography, Art, Music Physical Education, Personal, Social and Health Education and Religious Education.
We do our utmost to maximise success for all children by giving them the best teaching and learning experiences. We use a range of teaching methods to suit the needs of the children and the subjects being taught.
- To provide a rich and varied curriculum where pupils enjoy learning and develop their knowledge and skills through contextual, memorable and meaningful lessons and themes.
- To promote subject leader, teacher and pupil ownership of a knowledge and skills driven curriculum. Using our expertise and the expertise of others, we ensure full subject coverage through clear sequence of study, knowledge acquisition and progression.
- To develop enquiring minds, resilience and pupil enjoyment across a range of subject disciplines.
- To support all children to reach a high standard in English and Mathematics through specific teaching and application of knowledge and key skills in learning across the whole curriculum.
- To create and explore knowledge, skills and experiences that give purpose to writing.
- To embed opportunities for high quality enrichment experiences including educational visits, themed days, parent workshops and guest speakers.
- To develop children's learning behaviours, such as independence, growth mindset and collaborative working through our school values of aspiration, resilience, responsibility, respect and tolerance, kindness and honesty.
- Developing a sense of community and belonging, contributing to our community through direct interaction – making links with local organisations.
- Teachers have good knowledge of the subjects they teach and subject leaders provide colleagues with effective support for planning, resourcing and teaching.
- Lessons are presented clearly with opportunities for discussion to extend thinking, check understanding, identify misconceptions and provide clear and direct feedback both verbal and through marking.
- Teaching and learning is balanced and inclusive, encouraging independent thinking and support where needed.
- High quality texts are used in all year groups to promote reading skills and to use a high level of vocabulary and extended sentence structures. Phonics teaching has priority in EYFS, Year 1 and 2. Reading is promoted within this skill with a focus on confidence and enjoyment.
- The school adopts a 'maths mastery' approach where number skills and knowledge are consolidated and reasoning skills are used in problem solving.
- Teachers use assessment effectively to check understanding and inform teaching so that knowledge is gained and used. Pupil progress meetings are held every term to discuss the progress of every child and to put in interventions as required.
- The curriculum is delivered in various ways to capture interest and imagination but the steps of learning within the subjects are carefully planned to ensure that knowledge and skills are gained for children to build on in future learning.
- Each child is regarded as an individual and an equal. Our inclusive curriculum consists of activities designed to develop the social, personal, intellectual and physical activities of the children.
- The quality of the children’s learning is enhanced across the curriculum through practical activities, educational visits linked to study work and the use of ICT. All work in the school is planned within the framework of the National Curriculum and the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum Guidance.
Impact (how we measure successful outcomes)
- Children to be confident and successful learners. They think critically about their learning, are keen to learn and see purpose in their learning.
- Children to achieve well by developing knowledge and skills as they progress through the school. Their attainment and progress is above or at least in line with national expectations. Challenge is provided to enable some pupils to reach greater depth.
- The children leave the school in Year 6 with the confidence and skills ready for a successful transition to secondary school.
- The impact of the curriculum is evaluated through: teacher assessment; outcomes from learning; termly NFER tests and national standard assessment tests (SATs); through governor visit s and meetings; through monitoring of teaching, learning and pupil voice.
English (including our Phonics Strategy):
Through our English Curriculum, we strive to teach the children how important their reading, writing, spelling and listening skills will be in the real world. By giving this purpose to their learning, the children understand the value of English to them now, and in their futures.
Our English curriculum is planned for each term using high quality texts as drivers. We ensure there is a range of genres, with written and spoken outcomes.
We encourage a passion for books and provide stimulating texts in class book corners and our school library. We have a daily Guided Reading lesson focusing on different aspects of reading and responding creatively to texts. KS1 and lower KS2 children use a variety of banded reading books including Oxford Reading Tree.
Daily phonics is taught in KS1, through 'Monster Phonics. ‘Phonics play’ games are also used to support their learning.
At Cliddesden Primary, we use the engaging multisensory Monster Phonics systematic synthetic phonics scheme.
In years R-2, we follow the sequential lessons set out in the Monster Phonics Yearly Progression Maps: Year R, Year 1 and Year 2 and Grapheme, Common Exception words grids. In Key Stage 2, the classes continue to use the Monsters to support children who find phonics challenging.
This Autumn term, we started by assessing and revisiting the children’s phonic knowledge and skills.
Click here to see our children enjoying Monster Phonics.
Click here for a phonics glossary of terms
Books are chosen for reading aloud every day enabling children to engage in challenging texts and promote reading for pleasure as a worthwhile, enjoyable activity.
Click here for a list of comprehension strategies that we teach and you can use when hearing your child read.
Click each year group for our assessment guidance:
Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6
We teach our children to become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that they develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
We teach our pupils to reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language. We give opportunities for our pupils to solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.
Click here to view our Calculation Policy.
Click here to view our Year 4 Times Table Check info for parents
Click here for our Mathematics Progression
Click year groups for Mathematics Curriculum long term plans:
Foundation Stage, Year 1, Year 1 and 2, Year 3 and 4, Year 5 and 6.
We aim for our pupils to develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them.
We aim to teach Science through developing investigative skills and using practical approaches. This can be seen throughout all classrooms, with the development of scientific investigations designed to build scientific knowledge and challenge pupils' understanding of different concepts.
Click here for our Science Overview.
Click here for our Science Progression
Computing and ICT:
At Cliddesden, we aim to equip our students with a broad range of computational skills which will help them to express and present their ideas, underpinned by a broad understanding of how computers function. Alongside knowledge of how computers use programs, we want our pupils to be able to write their own algorithms. We also aim for them to develop their analytical skills so that they can debug any problems which arise. We teach our pupils how to be safe in a digital world through specific lessons and assemblies. Our pupils have access to a network of laptops and iPads as well as a range of supporting computer software and accessories.
Click year groups for our Computing Progression:
History and Geography (Humanities)
At Cliddesden Primary School, we want all our pupils to develop a deeper understanding of the past through enquiry, critical thinking as well as helping the children gain a sense of their own identity within a social, political, cultural and economic background. Each history scheme poses its own question to help pupils weigh evidence and generate arguments; develop chronological understanding and allow pupils to develop their sense of perspective and judgement. Our History Curriculum develops a broad knowledge of events and highlights, the diversity of societies, the process of change through time and how history has shaped the way we live today.
At Cliddesden, we aim to inspire pupils to grow their interest and enthusiasm for the world around them through the learning of Geography; to have an awareness of the variety of locations and landscapes across the world. We teach them about place; the emotional response, the interaction of humans with a location and to be observant about differences. The children meet a widening landscape of locations as they progress through the school, beginning with the familiar and local and reaching out to the global. We use many different methods to allow the children to ‘get to know’ a location, such as physical visits, GIS, maps, satellite images, graphs and photographs.
Click here for our KS1 History and Geography overview, click here for Lower KS2 and click here for Upper KS2
Click on a subject to view our skills and knowledge progression:
Art and Design Technology
Through exploring and practicing different techniques and learning about great artists, we aim for our children to produce creative work and become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques
Our Curriculum covers: drawing and painting, printmaking, textiles, art and ICT, collage and sculpture. We aim to nurture and encourage children’s love of the subject through their use of imagination, abstract thought and originality.
Design and Technology
Design and Technology is a creative, skilled and practical subject. We aim for our children to develop the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to design and make products that solve real and appropriate problems. Our curriculum covers: design, construction, cooking and nutrition, use of tools, exploring mechanisms, electrical systems, computing and evaluating existing products.
Click here for our Art and Design overview.
Click here for our Design Technology overview.
Click on a subject to view our skills and knowledge progression:
Modern Foreign Languages (MFL):
The school teaches French to pupils from Year 3 to 6. We aim for all our pupils to develop their understanding of language learning, not only so that they can understand their own language but also so that they can gain a basic grounding of foreign language skills. We aspire for the lessons to equip the children with a basic collection of phrases that they can speak, write, understand aurally and read with increasing confidence. By sharing authentic French stories, songs and playing games, we hope that our pupils will appreciate the study of languages and understand more about the cultures of the wider world.
Click here to view our French progression
PE is taught by our class teachers and a specialist PE teacher, Ms Costen. We teach fundamental movement skills, and provide opportunities to extend our pupil’s agility, balance and coordination. Team games and skills are taught that enable our pupils to communicate, collaborate and compete with each other. We develop an understanding of how to improve in different physical activities and sports and our pupils learn how to evaluate and recognise their own successes.
Click here for our PE overview
Click here for our PE progression
Coming soon - Inter-school sports competition diary 2021-2022.
Hampshire Music Service provide instrumental and singing lessons in KS1 and KS2. Exploration of music and singing is an integral part of our Early Years Curriculum. In addition music is incorporated into our wider curriculum where relevant and we have a weekly whole school singing assembly. We aim to engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and to develop their talents as musicians. Our music curriculum is aimed at encouraging confidence in music and developing technical skills.
Please refer to the class pages to see what is being currently taught.
PSHE: (Personal,Social,Health and Economic education)
Our PHSE curriculum aims to raise pupils’ self-esteem and confidence, and understand the importance of safe and stable relationships that promote respect, love and care. We develop the skills for our pupils to lead a healthier and safer lifestyle. We promote gender equality and equality in relationships and challenge gender stereotypes and inequality.
From November 2019 the school has adopted a scheme of work for PHSE called SCARF:
Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience, Friendship. This scheme also includes Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education.
Click here for SCARF overview
PHSE also includes Relationships and Sex Education (RSE). We also use SCARF to deliver this part of the curriculum. Click here for our RSE Policy.
Religious Education:
RE is taught in accordance with the Hampshire County Council’s ‘Living Difference’ document. Children are given the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of many different religions alongside Christianity. Our RE curriculum promotes our values of respect and tolerance.
Click here for Living Difference III
Click for our RE overview of the concepts we teach Cycle 1 and Cycle 2
Click here for our RE progression
The school respects the legal right of any parent to withdraw his/her child with regard to RE.
Special Educational Needs:
There are some occasions that many children will need special help to overcome a learning difficulty or to ensure that the curriculum fully extends their abilities. Overseen by the Inclusion Manager, teachers and teaching assistants support some children in small groups or on a one to one basis as required. The school will keep you fully involved and, in relevant cases, may seek the help and advice of the Educational Psychology Service and/or the School Medical Service. Some funding for children with SEND is allocated through Hampshire SEN Service. Click here to view the school’s SEND Information Report and click here to view our Inclusion Policy.
Challenge and Aspiration:
The school is committed to ensuring all children make good progress. We make provision for those children who achieve at an exceptionally high level. Opportunities are given for children to develop their talents right across the curriculum. Children who are working at or towards greater depth are recognised through formative and summative assessment and high quality inclusive teaching provides challenge in lessons. The successes and achievements of all children are celebrated each week in our Celebration Assembly.
Educational visits, residential and enrichment
A residential visit to Marchants Hill PGL are organised for the children in Year 5 and Year 6 every other year. A residential visit to Privett is organised for the Year 4 children annually. Parents are asked to contribute towards the cost of the visit. We believe that residential trips provide opportunities we would be unable to offer in school and as such we value the enormous contribution they make. Children are given the opportunity to live away from home and develop the independence and social skills associated with this.
In addition, during the school year educational visits are made to places of interest appropriate to our topic based curriculum. These visits enrich and support the children's learning. Parents are asked to contribute towards the cost of the visit. We would like to emphasise that these are voluntary contributions and no child will ever be excluded from a visit if parents feel unable to pay. " The Friends of Cliddesden Primary School” generously help to subsidise educational visits.
Extra-Curricular activities
Enrichment activities are also part of our curriculum. In the past we have had visits from book authors, first-aid training for children, African drummers and much more. Examples of enrichment can be seen on our events page. Classes also hold parent workshops where parents and carers are invited to join a project based lesson.
There are a number of after school clubs for both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 children. Please see diary dates for information on which clubs are currently running. The school also takes part in a number of inter-school sports competitions throughout the year.
Monitoring Progress:
Parents are informed of their children's progress on a termly basis. In September we have an open afternoon where parents can meet their children’s new teacher and discuss the year’s organisation and expectations. In the autumn and spring terms we have parent consultation evenings to discuss progress. In the summer term the annual report is sent out to parents and there is an optional open afternoon. The school has an ‘open door policy’ and parents are welcome to arrange an appointment with the Head teacher or the class teacher at any time.
Teachers make on-going teacher assessments of children's attainment and progress and keep their own records to inform their planning. A termly assessment week is identified across the school during which teachers will make a more detailed assessment and take samples of work to help monitor the progress of individuals and groups. In addition Pupil Progress Reviews are undertaken with input from the Head teacher.
Click on Year Group for our Writing and Maths Core Skills:
Please click below to visit the individual class pages to find information of what we are currently learning this term.