KS1 Nativity
Click here for your keepsake Nativity Script written by Beech Class.
Why not recreate our Nativity at home using our backing material. Click here for powerpoint.
Click here to find out more about Willow Class or click here for Beech Class.
A touching Nativity performed beautifully by our KS1 children and written by the children of Beech Class.
The children listened to the Nativity story using books, Powerpoints and video clips. Then, we looked at play scripts and how they are written including narration, character parts and stage directions. After that, children were put into groups and it was their job to write the speech for their particular scene. The children worked well together keeping to tradition but adding their own sparkle too.
Once the scenes were complete, as a class we looked at 'up levelling' the content we had. How could we improve what we had? Could we include any adverbs or adjectives? What else might the characters have said? Could we think of some amazing vocabulary?
The children also wrote their own recount of the Nativity through the eyes of the animals within the play. These animals then became our narrators. When marking their work, Mrs Chattell took sentences from each child's book to create the narration to their play.
Once this process was complete, the play was handed over to Willow Class who carefully considered the music and songs to accompany the play. Finally, it was returned to Beech Class where the backdrop Powerpoint and music clips for the change of scenes were added.
Knowing our Nativity is the work of our children, makes it extra special.