Cliddesden Primary School

Learning Together, Growing Together

Cliddesden Primary School, Cliddesden, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG25 2QU

01256 321571 - Fax: 01256 3336

Beech Class visit QMC

Testing Materials:

The jolly Postman needed a new postbag. It had to be waterproof, durable and strong. The children tested 6 different bag materials. They dropped water on them to see if they were absorbent or waterproof. They wore goggles while they tested for how strong the materials were by hanging weights on them. Using sand paper blocks the materials were rubbed to see how durable they were. When the tests were completed they discovered that the nylon fabric was the most suitable for a postbag. Their last task was to see what they needed to attach to the bag so that it showed up in the dark mornings. They did this by dressing up a cardboard cut-out of a postman, putting him in a dark area and then shining a torch on him. The dinosaur reflector showed up brilliantly!



The metals experiment looked at the properties of metals. Using ice blocks and warm water the children discovered that metal conducts heat. Different metals were tested for conductivity using a circuit and a light bulb. The children had fun testing which metals were magnetic, they made a paper clip whizz across the table by placing a strong magnet under the table! Finally they looked at how metals can change colour if they are wet, causing rust; and how they can change shape using heat or pressure.



The first experiment on the changes table allowed the children to observe a candle burning, they noticed how the solid wax changed to a liquid when the wick was lit, and saw the wax solidify when heat was removed.  They were amazed at how quickly the flame was extinguished when a jar was placed over the candle depriving the flame of oxygen.  Using a pipette water was applied to sugar lumps so that the children could see and feel the difference between the damp lumps and those that hadn't had water added.  The final test gave the children a chance to observe steam and bubbles in boiling water, some of the steam was then condensed back into water.  A tub of ice provided the children with the opportunity to see water in its three different states.



The children carried out experiments using 3 different types of paper. Kitchen paper, news print paper and printer paper. The children tried drawing on each of the different types of paper, described how the paper felt and got to use a datalogger to test the transparency of the paper. Finally we had a race to see which type of paper was the most absorbent with all the children guessing correctly that the kitchen paper would absorb the water the quickest.



The children enjoyed looking at how the grain in wood looked different depending on how it had been cut.  If chopped down the middle, straight lines were created but if cut across then circles were formed.  They were amazed at the variety of colours wood came in and enjoyed feeling the texture before and after they had sanded a piece.  We considered the density of wood, having 5 blocks exactly the same size, why did they weigh different amounts?  We looked at how our wooden lolly sticks could float but a small metal item couldn't and we were amazed at how quickly a small, dry piece of wood could burn.  This made us think about how the wooden houses inThe Great Fire of London burnt so quickly during the long, hot summer.



I liked playing with the music in the outside area, while watching the football matches!


Amelia LH

I liked dressing the Jolly Postman in fluorescent clothes and shining a light on him.



I liked feeling all the different types of wood with Mrs Lavender.



I was amazed that sugar is made from crystals.



I enjoyed touching the light circuit, I used a paperclip to make the circuit light up.


Click here to find out more about Beech Class.