Year 1/2 Ukulele Concert
Year 1 and 2 performed their end of term concert today, playing ukulele to a big audience. They all did a brilliant job and were very professional, demonstrating excellent performance skills. The children played a variety of pieces to show off their skills in strumming, plucking and playing chords as well as singing at the same time! Both year groups played together meaning there were over 30 ukuleles being played at once and it sounded fantastic! The children’s favourites were ‘Ukulele Magic’ and ‘Fly Away’ which had a bit of whistling in the middle too!
The concert ended with a dramatic rendition of ‘In the Hall of the Mountain King’, with the children playing beautifully in time to the orchestral backing track. A hugely successful concert once again Year 1 and 2!
Well done everyone!
Mrs Gent
Hampshire Music Service
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