Be Bright, Be Seen
On the 23rd November 2018 the children, who were all very excited on the day, dressed up in bright colours for ‘Be Bright Be Seen Day’, which is all about road safety. Our JRSOs (Junior Road Safety Officers) helped to sell florescent badges, which sold quickly, along with zip tags and clip-on key rings. Their intention was to sell the merchandise to make a profit, which would go towards buying a road sign to tell drivers to drive carefully. The JRSOs held an assembly all about road safety, along with a fun quiz. There was also a fashion parade where all the classes showed off their bright clothes.
During the parade the JRSOs, along with Mr Davies, acted as judges to decide who had the most creative outfit and the brightest outfit. The contenders for most creative, who were Evie, Talia and Ellis, were so creative. After the points had been awarded, it was decided that Ellis was the winner. The contenders for the brightest costume were: Harry, Alexander and Sophia. After a tough decision, the winner was Harry. It was a very enjoyable day for the school. Everyone looks forward to the day next year.
By Quinn and Alice - JRSOs