Cliddesden Primary School

Learning Together, Growing Together

Cliddesden Primary School, Cliddesden, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG25 2QU

01256 321571 - Fax: 01256 3336

World Book Day

Willow Class
Willow looked amazing in their WBD costumes. We were so confident in showing our costumes and books, as well as talking about our characters.  We read the book Dragon Stew and enjoyed activities based on this story, building boats, taming dragons, using our castle role play and making story maps.
The recipes for stew that year 1 came up with were very imaginative and we all had a great time making stews and feeding them to our dragons.
Beech Class

Beech Class enjoyed sharing each others characters and stories by guessing who each other were. They also role played how their characters could help poor Cinderella as her Ugly sister was being extremely beastly throughout the day. They came up with many ideas!

We experienced some poetry from the Waterstones Laureate Joseph Coelho, filled in the missing words and identified the rhyming words. We performed the poem together and Beech Class added some fantastic expression as they read. As a class we explored another one of the World Book Day authors: Ben Bailey Smith and listened carefully to an extract from his book ‘The Last Word’. The children found out he writes his books from things he has seen or done himself and uses funny situations a lot. The children thought carefully and wrote about funny things that have happened to them. Maybe one day these will become part of a book they write!

Beech Class enjoyed assembly where they got to see all the other children’s costumes and share their own. Finally they relished in sharing their books with Oak Class. Beech Class demonstrated a great love for reading today.

Chestnut Class

We all looked amazing in our World Book Day costumes which we enjoyed sharing. At 11 am, we joined a live lesson with the BBC, which helped us to plan a twisted version of our favourite book! We also enjoyed poem reading from Mr Davies, where we had to join in to create a train rhythm while he read. 

Oak Class

Oak had a fantastic book day.  We were challenged to unlock a digital escape room using our Maths, Grammar and Spelling skills. We joined in with the BBC Live Lesson in order to create a 'Twisted Tale'. We looked at blurbs created by ChatGPT and invented the front cover of the books we imagined they described. We also enjoyed sharing stories with the younger children - and of course, sharing our fantastic costumes!

Willow Class

Beech Class

Oak and Beech Class Buddy Reading
