Year 5 Visit to Brighton Hill
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On Thursday 26th June, Year 5 visited Brighton Hill for a ‘Carnival Twist’ taster day.
We started off by gathering in the hall to wait for all of the other schools to arrive. Two teachers told us what we would be doing.
Our first activity was Food Tech. We made chocolate chip and cherry ‘Rockies’. We waited by the door for the food teacher to tell us what to do. Then we listened to the food teacher Mr Johnstone and got started. We split into groups of threes and the teams all had different jobs to do. My group was Verity, Mia and me.
After we put our cookies in the oven the class washed the utensils in the sink at the end of each table. Each group member had to do something. One person washed up, one person dried up and the other person inspected.
Once we finished the fire bell sounded so the schools were taken to the tennis courts. We lined up in single file and waited until we were told that we were allowed back in.
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Our next lesson was music. In music we did steel pans. Mrs Earwood the music teacher taught us a song called ‘feeling hot, hot, hot’. Different people played different pans. Jessica, Olivia and Faith played the tenor pans, the rest of the year played the guitar pans and I played the bass pans. We learnt the verse and the chorus of the song. Mrs Earwood said that we were the best class of Year 5’s she had taught in 3 years.
After music was lunch. We had lunch for half an hour and had a break for half an hour as well.
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Once break finished the class went with our prefect Erin and our young leader Seren to Science. The first experiment was to try and make a bottle tower that wouldn’t fall down easily. We were split up into two teams and experimented. We managed to do it in the end. The next lesson was another experiment in Science. We watched the Olympic firework video to get an idea of what we were going to do. Then we had to make different coloured fire with chemicals. Once we finished the group tried to make sparklers, fireworks and bonfires.
Finally, we got together in the hall to give out certificates. After certificates were given and we left Brighton Hill and headed back to school. We all had a great day.
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