Cliddesden Primary School

Learning Together, Growing Together

Cliddesden Primary School, Cliddesden, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG25 2QU

01256 321571 - Fax: 01256 3336

Year 5 visit Brighton Hill Community School

On Friday 5th July, all of Year 5 went to Brighton Hill School to experience lessons in a secondary school. We were shown round by three Year 9 pupils, one of whom (Juliet) used to go to Cliddesden!
Our first lesson was a Drama lesson. We all worked in groups in the drama studio. We had to show a range of emotions in a short, improvised scene. Some of them were really funny!
After Drama, we had a short break before going to our next two lessons - Design Technology and Science. In DT, we had to design something to help us launch a packet of Haribo as far as possible. We used a range of junk modelling materials, but in the end the most successful design was very simple: make the packet of Haribo as aerodynamic as possible, then throw it.
In Science, we gathered some samples of things we could find in the courtyard outside the classroom. Then we took them back in the laboratory and used the microscopes to observe what we saw closely.
After lunch, we had our final lesson - PE. We were lucky enough to use the Power League pitches and we did a football lesson. After several mini-games, we were very tired. 
It had been a long, but very interesting day. Although we liked the lessons, we decided that having another year at our school was not such a bad thing - there was a lot of walking around between lessons and carrying all our things around! Thank you to the staff and pupils at Brighton Hill for such a great day.
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