Cliddesden Primary School

Learning Together, Growing Together

Cliddesden Primary School, Cliddesden, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG25 2QU

01256 321571 - Fax: 01256 3336

Learning Websites

We have pulled together some general learning resources for pupils to do whilst they are at home. Those displaying an icon are ones we regularly use in school and our children should be familiar with. We will add additional resources on a regular basis so keep coming back to this page to see what is new. All children have logins for:  Purple Mash, Bug Club, My Maths and Times Tables.  

Some of these resources are electronic and interactive - games that can be played and learning that can be done online. Other learning activities here are PDFs that can be printed and completed at home. All of the resources are guaranteed to keep children's learning progressing at this challenging time.

For high-quality additional English and Maths click on the links below for recommended high-quality websites. 


Oak National Academy 

  • Click on a subject of your choice and then find a unit of work that takes your child’s interested. 

Click on the schedule button. Select your child’s year group and they will be given a timetable of maths, English and foundation subject that your children can work through. 

White Rose Maths 

  • Click on the set of lessons for your child’s year group. 
  • Watch the video (either on your own or with your child). 
  • Find a calm space where your child can work for about 20-30 minutes. 
  • Use the video guidance to support your child as they work through a lesson, pausing when needing to answer questions.


 If you come across anything that concerns you relating to internet safety please refer to the page link below and follow the guidance.


Click the logos to access each site

School Code:  mg7s

School Username:  Cliddesden

School Password:  School

KS1 only

See letters above for login

KS2 only

See packs for login

Use offer code:


Free for one month

English Reading

The Reading Realm - there is free access to a structured reading curriculum here for 4 weeks. There are lots of activities here to boost reading. Texts and questions to be answered and some online interviews with authors to be read.

Global Digital Library - books to read online and games to play based on the book read. Suitable for younger readers and those who need to develop their confidence. 


English Writing

Pobble 365 - a website of weird and wonderful pictures deliberately chosen to hook children into writing.



BBC Maths Challenge Quiz - join Ralph and Matrix for the maths quiz that's sure to turn you into a mental maths mastermind! Each quiz has three sections - Quick fire, Word problems and Juggling numbers - and is particularly suitable for pupils aged 10/11 years old. The emphasis is on consolidating skills, building confidence...and having fun with numbers!

Hit the button - is an interactive maths game with quick fire questions on number bonds, times tables, doubling and halving, multiples, division facts and square numbers. The games which are against the clock challenge and develop a child's mental maths skills.



Discovery Education - click on 'free resources' at the top of the page, you can access literacy, maths and coding activities for children to complete. Also, videos here of virtual field trips around the country/world. 



History Lessons - all sorts of history lessons on all sorts of periods and eras are available here.

The Oak National Academy also has a range of History lessons, some of which you will find on your weekly plan.



The Blue Planet - across four live shows, Blue Planet Live revisited animal characters from multi-awarding winning Blue Planet II, and met new creatures, celebrating our oceans' complexity with never-before-seen footage. Learning activities based on these shows included.



The Art Room - challenging, fun and engaging art activities.



Band Academy - fancy writing a school song?! This could be your chance! Click on Band Academy to access their free resources and learn how to write a song. You could even perform it to the family!



Go Noodle for families - gets children up and moving to fun, engaging content and games. Every dance party, yoga session, mindfulness activity, and game session is an opportunity for children to wake up their bodies, engage their minds and be their best.



Scratch - a free programming language and online community where you can create your own interactive stories, games, and animations.

Quiz - Try this fun e-safety quiz to check how much you know about staying safe on-line: